Click below to take a video tour through the installation and hear the stories that live inside its windows.

We Keep Crossing is an interactive multimedia installation that invites us to choose faith over fear, forgiveness over grudges, and to face our stories, not flee from them. It is also a prayer: a prayer that those stories keep stubbornly crossing through and over both the visible walls between our lands and the invisible walls in our heads and our hearts. A prayer that they rise higher and braver with each generation as roots grow together above the rubble of crumbling walls.

In this installation, viewers were invited to participate in three ways. First, they were invited to use flashlights and cell phones to play with shadows throughout the blackbox, which functioned as both grave and womb, a liminal space of endings and beginnings. Second, they were invited to follow QR codes throughout the work to access specific stories, also available under the STORIES section of this website. Third, they were invited to draw and write their responses to the installation into roots across the floor, then up and across the walls. Although this temporary installation has since been dismantled, its central sculpture lives on in a new iteration as part of the We Keep Crossing II installation, where it continues to evolve as a call and response exercise in ephemerality.